Results for 'Tübingen Hans-Jörg Ehni'

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  1.  65
    Toward a global geroethics – gerontology and the theory of the good human life.Hans-Joerg Ehni, Selma Kadi, Maartje Schermer & Sridhar Venkatapuram - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (4):261-268.
    Gerontologists have proposed different concepts for ageing well such as ‘successful ageing’, ‘active ageing’, and ‘healthy ageing’. These conceptions are primarily focused on maintaining health and preventing disease. But they also raise the questions: what is a good life in old age and how can it be achieved? While medical in origin, these concepts and strategies for ageing well also contain ethical advice for individuals and societies on how to act regarding ageing and old age. This connection between gerontology and (...)
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    On Moral Enhancement from a Habermasian Perspective.Hans-Joerg Ehni & Diana Aurenque - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (2):223-234.
    The human being’s mastery of itself, on which the self is founded, practically always involves the annihilation of the subject in whose service that mastery is maintained, because the substance which is mastered, suppressed, and disintegrated by self-preservation is nothing other than the living entity.
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    Illegitimate authorship and flawed procedures: Fundamental, formal criticisms of the Declaration of Helsinki.Hans‐Joerg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (3):319-325.
    Some of the recent criticisms published during and after the last revision process of the Declaration of Helsinki are directed at its basic legitimacy. In this article we want to have a closer look at the two criticisms we consider to be the most fundamental. The first criticism questions the legitimate authorship of the World Medical Association to publish a document such as the Declaration. The second fundamental criticism we want to examine argues that the last revision process failed to (...)
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  4.  60
    Social Justice, Health Inequities, and Access to New Age-Related Interventions.Hans-Jörg Ehni & Georg Marckmann - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (3):281-295.
    Social Justice, Health Inequities, and Access to New Age-Related Interventions Content Type Journal Article Category Original Paper Pages 281-295 DOI 10.1007/s12376-009-0027-3 Authors Hans-Jörg Ehni, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Baden-Württemberg Germany Georg Marckmann, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Baden-Württemberg Germany Journal Medicine Studies Online ISSN 1876-4541 Print ISSN 1876-4533 Journal Volume Volume 1 Journal Issue Volume 1, Number 3.
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    Basic simple type theory, J. Roger Hindley.Hans-Joerg Tiede - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (4):473-476.
  6.  15
    Theda Rehbock (2005) Personsein in Grenzsituationen.Tübingen Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (1):65-67.
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    How do European SME owner-managers make sense of 'stakeholder management'? Insights from a cross-national study. [REVIEW]Hans-Joerg Schlierer, Andrea Werner, Silvana Signori, Elisabeth Garriga, Heidi von Weltzien Hoivik, Annick Van Rossem & Yves Fassin - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (1):39-51.
    The vast majority of empirical research on stakeholder management has traditionally focused on multinational corporations. Only in recent years, scholars have begun to pay attention to the stakeholder management concept in relation to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The few existing studies in this area, however, discuss SMEs as a context free category or remain focused on single country analysis. This cross-national empirical research investigates SME owner-managers' perceptions of stakeholder management in six European countries. The comparative analysis is followed by (...)
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  8.  46
    Saving the most lives—A comparison of European triage guidelines in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic.Hans-Jörg Ehni, Urban Wiesing & Robert Ranisch - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):125-134.
    In March 2020, the rapid increase in severe COVID‐19 cases overwhelmed the healthcare systems in several European countries. The capacities for artificial ventilation in intensive care units were too scarce to care for patients with acute respiratory disorder connected to the disease. Several professional associations published COVID‐19 triage recommendations in an extremely short time: in 21 days between March 6 and March 27. In this article, we compare recommendations from five European countries, which combine medical and ethical reflections on this (...)
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    Sozialethische Reflexion.Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2021 - In Michael Fuchs, Handbuch Alter Und Altern: Anthropologie – Kultur – Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 293-305.
    Alternsprävention mit Hilfe von biotechnologischen Eingriffen ist der Biologie des Alterns oder Biogerontologie bereits im Laborversuch bei unterschiedlichen Organismen gelungen. Durch die Manipulation einzelner Gene, durch die sogenannte Kalorienrestriktion, d. h. einem Labortier werden nur 70 % der Kalorien zur Verfügung gestellt, die es sonst zu sich nehmen würde, und durch Pharmazeutika wurde die Lebensspanne von Labororganismen wie Nematoden oder Hefen bis zu zehnfach verlängert. Vergleichbare Eingriffe sollen ebenfalls beim Menschen möglich sein, was speziesübergreifende, ähnliche Mechanismen der Alterung nahelegen.
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    Elaborating and promoting a new ethical framework for clinical research: Ezekiel J. Emanuel; Christine Grady; Robert A. Crouch; Reidar K. Lie; Franklin G. Miller; and David Wendler . 2008. The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 827 pages. ISBN: 978-0195168655. Price: £95.00.Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):287-290.
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    Héctor Wittwer (2003) Die Selbsttötung als philosophisches Problem: Mentis, Paderborn. 419 S., ISBN 3-89785-399-X, EUR 48,00.Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):276-277.
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  12.  20
    International Ethical Regulations on Placebo‐Use in Clinical Trials: A Comparative Analysis.Hans-jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (1):64-74.
    The ethical aspects of placebo control in clinical trials have been extensively and controversially debated in the last decade. However, a thorough analytical comparison of the different existing international regulations, their terminologies and their ethical principles concerning placebo, is still missing. The central issue in the ongoing controversy is the justification of placebo‐use, if proven treatment exists. All present versions of the examined guidelines propose such justifications, but each guideline differs from the others in relevant details. Therefore the conditions justifying (...)
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  13.  30
    The Declaration of Helsinki in bioethics literature since the last revision in 2013.Hans-Jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (4):335-343.
    The World Medical Association has announced that a new revision process of the Declaration of Helsinki has been started. This article will identify the criticisms that have been made in the bioethics literature, particularly since the last revision. In addition, criticisms are discussed that were made in the literature even before the last revision and have not fallen silent. The plausibility of the recommendation for a change in the Declaration of Helsinki is examined.
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    International ethical regulations on placebo-use in clinical trials: A comparative analysis.Hans-jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2007 - Bioethics 22 (1):64–74.
    ABSTRACT The ethical aspects of placebo control in clinical trials have been extensively and controversially debated in the last decade. However, a thorough analytical comparison of the different existing international regulations, their terminologies and their ethical principles concerning placebo, is still missing. The central issue in the ongoing controversy is the justification of placebo‐use, if proven treatment exists. All present versions of the examined guidelines propose such justifications, but each guideline differs from the others in relevant details. Therefore the conditions (...)
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  15. Placebos in clinical trials. A comparative analysis of international guidelines.Hans-Jörg Ehni & Urban Wiesing - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):223-237.
    Die ethischen Aspekte der Verwendung von Placebos in klinischen Versuchsreihen wurden im letzten Jahrzehnt ausführlich und kontrovers diskutiert. Es fehlt dennoch eine gründliche vergleichende Analyse der verschiedenen internationalen Richtlinien, ihrer Terminologien und ihrer auf Placebo bezogenen Prinzipien. Das zentrale Problem ist die Rechtfertigung von Placebo bei einer nachgewiesen wirksamen Therapie. Alle aktuellen Versionen der untersuchten Richtlinien schlagen solche Rechtfertigungen vor, unterscheiden sich hierbei jedoch beträchtlich. Zunächst werden wir ein formales allgemeines Prinzip herausarbeiten. Dann werden wir drei verschiedene Kategorien von Kriterien (...)
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  16.  31
    Kann man sich Elina Makropoulos als glücklichen Menschen vorstellen? Ein Beitrag zur ethischen Debatte über den individuellen Wert eines längeren Lebens.Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1):47-70.
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  17.  46
    The definition of adequate care in externally sponsored clinical trials: The terminological controversy about the concept “standard of care”.Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (1):123-130.
    The treatment of the control group in externally sponsored clinical trials is the issue of one of the most heated debates in international research ethics. The paradigmatic cases are the mother-to-child HIV-transmission trials that took place in 16 developing countries in 1997, where the control group received a placebo while proven treatment was available in industrialized countries. From this circumstance results the controversy as to whether the sponsor and researchers of externally sponsored trials have to supply a treatment that is (...)
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  18.  43
    Volker Roelcke, Giovanni Maio (Hrsg) (2004) Twentieth Century Ethics of Human Subjects Research. Historical Perspectives on Values, Practices, and Regulations: Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, 361 Seiten, ISBN 3-515-08455-X, EUR 64.--. [REVIEW]Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (2):174-175.
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  19.  28
    Ethical, legal, and social aspects of symptom checker applications: a scoping review.Regina Müller, Malte Klemmt, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Tanja Henking, Angelina Kuhnmünch, Christine Preiser, Roland Koch & Robert Ranisch - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):737-755.
    Symptom Checker Applications (SCA) are mobile applications often designed for the end-user to assist with symptom assessment and self-triage. SCA are meant to provide the user with easily accessible information about their own health conditions. However, SCA raise questions regarding ethical, legal, and social aspects (ELSA), for example, regarding fair access to this new technology. The aim of this scoping review is to identify the ELSA of SCA in the scientific literature. A scoping review was conducted to identify the ELSA (...)
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  20.  51
    For the Sake of “Normality”? Medical Indication, Social Justification, and the Welfare of Children.Diana Aurenque & Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):55 - 57.
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  21.  9
    Digitalization, health, and ageing.Regina Müller, Elisabeth Langmann & Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):753-754.
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    The Cambridge handbook of the ethics of ageing, edited by, C. S.Wareham. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 380 pp. ISBN 9781108817042.£ 26.99 (Paperback). [REVIEW]Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):416-418.
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  23.  35
    “That’s just Future Medicine” - a qualitative study on users’ experiences of symptom checker apps.Regina Müller, Malte Klemmt, Roland Koch, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Tanja Henking, Elisabeth Langmann, Urban Wiesing & Robert Ranisch - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-19.
    Background Symptom checker apps (SCAs) are mobile or online applications for lay people that usually have two main functions: symptom analysis and recommendations. SCAs ask users questions about their symptoms via a chatbot, give a list with possible causes, and provide a recommendation, such as seeing a physician. However, it is unclear whether the actual performance of a SCA corresponds to the users’ experiences. This qualitative study investigates the subjective perspectives of SCA users to close the empirical gap identified in (...)
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  24.  51
    Patterns of biomedical science production in a sub-Saharan research center.Selidji T. Agnandji, Valerie Tsassa, Cornelia Conzelmann, Carsten Köhler & Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):3.
    Background: Research activities in sub-Saharan Africa may be limited to delegated tasks due to the strong control from Western collaborators, which could lead to scientific production of little value in terms of its impact on social and economic innovation in less developed areas. However, the current contexts of international biomedical research including the development of public-private partnerships and research institutions in Africa suggest that scientific activities are growing in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to describe the patterns of clinical research (...)
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    Hans-Jörg Ehni (2014) Ethik der Biogerontologie.Mark Schweda - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (3):263-264.
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    Recommendations for the use of symptom checker apps in the healthcare context—based on the results from the CHECK.APP project.Elisabeth Langmann, Tanja Henking, Stefanie Joos, Malte Klemmt, Regina Müller, Christine Preiser, Robert Ranisch, Roland Koch, Monika A. Rieger, Anna-Jasmin Wetzel, Urban Wiesing & Hans-Jörg Ehni - forthcoming - Ethik in der Medizin.
    Definition of the problem Digital health technologies have gained significant importance in recent years. These technologies include symptom checker apps which use algorithms or artificial intelligence to provide users with analyses and recommendations based on their symptom input. Despite their widespread recognition, research shows mixed results regarding the accuracy of these apps, thus, limiting their current utility. The interdisciplinary CHECK.APP project examined the ethical, legal, and social aspects associated with symptom checker apps. Arguments The resulting recommendations presented here are directed (...)
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  27.  53
    Ethics of biogerontology: a teaching concept.Leona Litterst, Zoé Rheinsberg, Mone Spindler, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Julia Dietrich & Uta Müller - 2018 - International Journal of Ethics Education 3 (1):31-46.
    Advancements in biological ageing research have shown that age-related diseases may be fought more effectively in the future by directly intervening into the ageing process. This prospect is associated with hopes for solving problems of demographic change. It also addresses raising awareness for complex ethical, legal and social issues that have hardly been a topic of discussion to date. Therefore, as the objective of our project, an interdisciplinary discourse module entitled “Ethics of Biogerontology” was developed to initiate a social debate (...)
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  28.  15
    The dynamics of the linguistic system: usage, conventionalization, and entrenchment.Hans-Jörg Schmid - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This volume outlines a model of language that can be characterized as functionalist, usage-based, dynamic, and complex-adaptive. The core idea is that linguistic structure is not stable and uniform, but continually refreshed by the interaction between three components: usage, the communicative activities of speakers; conventionalization, the social processes triggered by these activities and feeding back into them; and entrenchment, the individual cognitive processes that are also linked to these activities in a feedback loop. Hans-Joerg Schmid explains how this multiple (...)
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    Book notice: Hans-Joerg Rheinberger: An epistemology of the concrete: Twentieth century histories of life. Durham: Duke University Press, 2010, xix+330pp, $89.95 HB, $24.95 PB. [REVIEW]Nicolas Rasmussen - 2011 - Metascience 21 (1):251-252.
    Book notice Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9588-3 Authors Nicolas Rasmussen, School of History and Philosophy, University of NSW, Sydney, 2052 Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Rhetorical Turn?Heinrich Niehues-pröbsting - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (6):948-954.
    Buchkritik über: Chaim Perelman/Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca: Die neue Rhetorik. Eine Abhandlung über das Argumentieren. Herausgegeben von Josef Kopperschmidt. Übersetzt von Freyr R. Varwig in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Herausgeber. Überarbeitet für die Drucklegung von Hans-Jörg Ehni in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Herausgeber, 2 Bände. Frommann-Holzboog Verlag, Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt 2004, 821 S.
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  31. Connectomes as constitutively epistemic objects: critical perspectives on modeling in current neuroanatomy.Philipp Haueis & Jan Slaby - 2017 - In Philipp Haueis & Jan Slaby, Progress in Brain Research Vol 233: The Making and Use of Animal Models in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Amsterdam: pp. 149–177.
    in a nervous system of a given species. This chapter provides a critical perspective on the role of connectomes in neuroscientific practice and asks how the connectomic approach fits into a larger context in which network thinking permeates technology, infrastructure, social life, and the economy. In the first part of this chapter, we argue that, seen from the perspective of ongoing research, the notion of connectomes as “complete descriptions” is misguided. Our argument combines Rachel Ankeny’s analysis of neuroanatomical wiring diagrams (...)
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  32.  16
    Continental Philosophy of Science.Gary Gutting (ed.) - 2005 - Blackwell.
    Continental Philosophy of Science provides an expert guide to the major twentieth-century French and German philosophical thinking on science. A comprehensive introduction by the editor provides a unified interpretative survey of continental work on philosophy of science. Interpretative essays are complemented by key primary-source selections. Includes previously untranslated texts by Bergson, Bachelard, and Canguilhem and new translations of texts by Hegel and Cassirer. Contributors include Terry Pinkard, Jean Gayon, Richard Tieszen, Michael Friedman, Joseph Rouse, Mary Tiles, Hans-Jöerg Rheinberger, Linda (...)
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  33. Philosophie Und Psychologie der Religion.Hans Walter Bähr (ed.) - 1974 - De Gruyter.
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    Wissenschaft – Ideologie – Gesellschaft.Hans Walter Bähr & Hans Wenke - 1969 - In Hans Walter Bähr & Hans Wenke, Kulturphilosophie Und Kulturkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 233-246.
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    Rigorismus der Wahrheit: "Moses der Ägypter" und weitere Texte zu Freud und Arendt.Hans Blumenberg - 2015 - Berlin: Suhrkamp. Edited by Ahlrich Meyer.
  36. Ramon Llull on universal values: a bridge between Christianity and Islam.Hans Daiber - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel, Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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    Die neue Welle Wirtschaftsethik – aus der Sicht der Evangelischen Akademien.Hans May - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 33 (1):283-295.
    The Evangelical Academies are a forum to open debate on any matters relating to a furtherance of a responsible approach to future directions in society. The contribution discusses in the author's view in which way, for which reasons and on which sociallevels questions of ethics in economy have occured in the Academie's work. The author proposes to establish interdisciplinary teams developing norms to connect ethics and economy, and points out a nurober of tasks for the future work.
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  38.  15
    Webers Quellen. Eine Fußnote zur Protestantischen Ethik.Hans-Dieter Metzger - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 325-338.
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  39. Die Geltung des natürlichen Sittengesetzes—nisi daretur deus.Hans Meyer - 1953 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 62:159-175.
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  40. Systematische Philosophie, Bd. I.Hans Meyer - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 11 (3):470-475.
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  41.  5
    Norm, Herrschaft und Vertrauen: Beiträge zu James S. Colemans Grundlagen der Sozialtheorie.Hans-Peter Müller & Michael Schmid - 1998 - Vs Verlag Fur Sozialwissenschaften.
    Der Band führt die Beiträge einer Reihe namhafter soziologischer Theoretiker zusammen, die sich mit dem Werk über die "Grundlagen der Sozialtheorie" von James S. Coleman auseinandersetzten. Die Edition dokumentiert die Vielzahl der Themen, denen Colemans Theorieentwurf neue und wichtige Anregungen verdankt. Besonders nachdrücklich diskutieren die Kommentatoren Colemans Bedeutung für die Weiterentwicklung der Theorien sozialer Normen, der Mikro-Makro-Problematik, der Theorie des Vertrauens, der Herrschaft und der Erziehung. Alle Beiträge nehmen Stellung zur Theorie rationalen Wahlhandelns, die James Coleman zur Fundierung seiner Handlungssystemanalysen (...)
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  42.  22
    Chapter Eight. Universal Values or Cultural Relativity: A Pointless Question.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2014 - In Ming Xie, The Agon of Interpretations: Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 156-164.
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  43.  19
    Czy „forma" może zostać zastąpiona przez 'informacę'?Hans-Dieter Mutschler - 2004 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9:41-42.
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  44. Stability in late capitalism: A survey.Hans Neisser - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Hans J. Newiger - 1973 - In Hans Joachim Newiger, Untersuchungen Zu Gorgias' Schrift Über Das Nichtseiende. New York,: De Gruyter. pp. 189-192.
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    "Sein, das verstanden werden kann, ist Sprache": Hommage an Hans-Georg Gadamer.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Rüdiger Bubner (eds.) - 2001 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Vom Primat der praktischen Vernunft: Logische Regeln als Regeln rationaler Wahl.Hans Rott - 1997 - In Georg Meggle, Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy. de Gruyter. pp. 1--138.
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    10 Locke's influence.Hans Aarsleff - 1994 - In Vere Chappell, The Cambridge companion to Locke. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 252.
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  49. Philosophy of language.Hans Aarsleff - 2006 - In Knud Haakonssen, The Cambridge history of eighteenth-century philosophy. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--451.
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    Een filosofische liefdesaffaire?: de briefwisseling tussen Heidegger en Arendt.Hans Achterhuis - 2003 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 4 (3):49-59.
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